Landlords get more power
Housing Minister, Steve Maharey, is offering residential landlords a comprehensive package of new Government initiatives to help them reduce their business risk when it comes to managing relationships with their tenants.
Sunday, August 24th 2003, 7:37PM
by The Landlord
In his opening address to this year’s NZPIF national conference in Auckland, the minister presented landlords with four key initiatives covering enforcement, beneficiary rent payments, access to Tenancy Tribunal decisions and landlord education and advice.
Maharey said that the Act would be amended to provide landlords with a better enforcement option for Tenancy Tribunal Orders that had not been complied with.
Landlords with orders to recover debt from tenants owing rent or compensation for damage caused, often have difficulty locating the tenant concerned once they have moved on from the property.
The Minister told investors that the new option would mean creditors who had been unable to enforce a Tenancy Tribunal Order because they could not locate the debtor, could apply for some government-held address information to be released to the Department for Courts to assist with enforcement.
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