Changing market has landlords offering enticements
Auckland's rental market has turned in tenants' favour, with some landlords offering enticements to keep their property rented out.
Wednesday, November 24th 2004, 7:20AM
by The Landlord
After three years of rising rents and having to scramble to put a roof over their heads, tenants are now finding it easier and cheaper to rent a house or apartment.Many find they have a choice of properties and are being offered deals to entice them through the door.
It is a scenario being repeated in many main centres in the wake of a property klondike that gripped the nation, one which saw large numbers of investors buy into rental properties.
Barfoot & Thompson rental manager co-ordinator Helen Hodgson and Auckland Property Investors Association president Andrew King both said the rental scene changed a few months back.
"It's a tenants' market," Ms Hodgson said.
"You have to virtually `sell' a property to tenants and they might come back and take a second look before they decide," she said.
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