Landlords fume over school plan
A proposal to have landlords sit competence exams is angering the industry, reports ROB STOCK.
Sunday, March 20th 2005, 5:25AM
by The Landlord
Temperatures are running high after a residential property investors federation with only 4000 members put forward proposals to send all New Zealand's 180,000 landlords back to school.The New Zealand Property Investors Federation, which has 15 associations around the country, put forward the idea for all landlords to sit competence exams as part of a move to head off "warrant of fitness" checks on renters and registration of every landlord.
Anyone who failed would be sent on a course. Until they passed, they would have to surrender the management of properties they rented to professionals.
The federation also raised the idea of a fee and registration of each new tenancy to pay for the exam system.
Federation president Craig Paddon said many members were angry at the proposals and hurt because they were publicised after having been discussed by only a small federation think tank.
He also agreed that the estimated 176,000 non-member landlords would not see the federation's move as representing their interests.
But Geoff Boxall, president of the rival Wellington Property Investors Association, said landlords who did not join such organisations were voting not to have their voices heard.
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