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Calls to blacklist “tenants from hell”

Landlords are calling for an online tenant register identifying “tenants from hell”.

Sunday, August 12th 2007, 12:00AM 3 Comments

by The Landlord

By Andrea Milner
Landlord Ron Goodwin says, “We do not need on the list those tenants who leave with a few hundred dollars owing. It is the really bad ones whose names should be readily available to landlords, together with the date and number of the relevant Tenancy Tribunal decision”.

“From time to time I get other landlords on the telephone asking if so and so was a former tenant of mine and then giving me a tirade of woe, having inherited one of my previous tenants from hell. These people know how to work the system to their advantage, and go from landlord to landlord ripping people off, knowing full well at the outset of each tenancy they will eventually be evicted.”

“Why should we have to go on and on putting up with this?”

Experienced property investor John May says some solutions include:
· Checking potential tenants more thoroughly
· Strictly monitoring tenancies on an ongoing basis
· Jumping on any small problems before they escalate
· Knowing the Tribunal system; when and how to use it, and when and how to avoid it.

Goodwin says that even with various checking and screening devices, “I find that about 4% of my tenants are tenants from hell. They are typically evicted with $1,500 to $2,000 rent owing, and typically having caused $5,000 to $12,000 worth of damage, as well as the cost of rubbish removal and cleaning, plus many hours of the landlord’s time getting the place fit for habitation again”.

“Over 90% of the damage is probably caused not by the tenant, but by undesirable types we would never let a house to, who the tenant allows to live and party on the premises.”

May says Geoff Knight of Tenancy Information New Zealand Ltd runs a “very good” tenant register system:; and that investor associations around the country should be encouraging their members to use this sort of register. It offers NZ Property Investors’ Federation members a 20% discount on annual membership, and Knight say the system currently has more than 36,000 tenant listings.


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Comments from our readers

On 15 June 2010 at 1:48 am Australian Tenant Demanding Data Warning Equality said:
Can we please have a register to ban landlords from hell as well. I've rented an adjoining property where the landlord was meant to give us our full privacy. What a joke, we have paid our rent on time and looked after the property properly to have the nazi police demanding who can enter our premises, when we need to mow the lawn etc. Let's not forget the stalking from the manager son who is not employed and you have a nightmare from hell living conditions.

Let's have a data base that labels all the worst landlords and maybe some tenants can be forewarned about what they're getting themselves into.

What's to stop a landlord from fabricating the claims of bad tenancy? I know that our landlord has been tweeting our site indicating that he is going to place us on a data base, the funny thing is they did that to the previous tenants as well.

They have rented their property twice!
On 7 July 2010 at 4:04 pm Wickus said:
Blacklist for landlords also that do not lodge you bond and make it a hell to get it back.
On 30 April 2011 at 12:00 pm JA Wood said:
totally agree about the list for the landlord from Hell. I have a daughter who has experienced one. Luckily I was prepared wth documented proof to stop their false allegations that they made in order to try & claim the bond. This particular Landlord was knopwn for always claiming the bonds & always got it because a lot of people aren't prepared or can be bothered with the hassle. My daughter now sees the value of having everything in writing no matter how trivial it may seem. Now every phone call to any Landlord is followed up in writing to leave a documented paper trail.
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Last updated: 14 March 2025 5:56pm

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