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Tweaking of mortgage rates continues

Lenders are continuing to tweak their rates downwards as they react to the cut last month in New Zealand’s official rate of interest and look forward to further falls.

Wednesday, August 20th 2008, 3:55PM

by The Landlord

A survey or 12 economists by found unanimous agreement that the official cash rate (OCR) would be cut by 25 basis points to 7.75% at the next Reserve Bank review on September 11.

Lenders have been concentrating on their one and two-year rates, but Kiwibank has this week reduced its six-month rate by five basis points so it now shares the lowest advertised rate in the market over this term with Silver Fern, at 9.6%.

Economists and brokers have been recommending terms as short as six months in the belief that borrowers will be able to cash in on much lower rates in six months or a year’s time.

But a week is a long time in the mortgage market; conditions and views can change quickly.

The latest <I>Property Focus</I> report from the economics team at ANZ suggests that current market rates may have anticipated lower rates in coming months so borrowers might do well to consider fixing over 12 to 18 months.

ANZ explains that the fixed term borrowing rate today reflects expectations of what the Reserve Bank will be doing over the coming 12 to 24 months.

“With the RBNZ starting the easing cycle, the market of course has been quick to anticipate more. In fact, there are now 150 basis points of rate cuts priced into the NZ curve.

“It is these expectations as opposed to cutting the cash rate itself that determines where the one and two-year borrowing rate resides, although of course, it is also being heavily influenced by higher international credit costs.”

“We still like shorter dated duration borrowing, but are more inclined towards 12 to 18 months, as opposed to the six to 12-month part of the curve.”

ANZ says borrowers should continue to diversify (so they have a spread of fixed terms).

Mortgage advisers argue that rate is only one factor in choosing a mortgage and the benefit of organising a repayment strategy is confirmed by the results of research published in the latest issue of Consumer magazine. This looked at a variety of scenarios for a couple where each earned $60,000 a year, before tax, to repay a $350,000 loan. The cheapest strategy was to use two-year fixed rates but to save and make lump sum payments at the end of each fixed term (the calculation assumed the couple saved all their disposable income and used a credit card for 80% of household expenses, paying this off in full each month). 

Total interest on this system worked out at $285,980 and the loan was repaid in just over 14 years. A series of two-year rates, where only the minimum payments were made over 25 years cost $545,581 in interest.

« CBS comfortably riding out recessionKiwibank cuts two-year rate below 8% »

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Lender Flt 1yr 2yr 3yr
AIA - Back My Build 4.44 - - -
AIA - Go Home Loans 6.89 5.25 4.99 5.35
ANZ 6.89 5.89 5.59 5.89
ANZ Blueprint to Build 7.39 - - -
ANZ Good Energy - - - 1.00
ANZ Special - 5.29 4.99 5.29
ASB Bank 6.89 5.25 4.99 5.35
ASB Better Homes Top Up - - - 1.00
Avanti Finance 7.40 - - -
Basecorp Finance 7.85 - - -
BNZ - Classic - 5.99 5.69 5.69
Lender Flt 1yr 2yr 3yr
BNZ - Mortgage One 7.04 - - -
BNZ - Rapid Repay 7.04 - - -
BNZ - Std 6.94 5.55 5.29 5.59
BNZ - TotalMoney 7.04 - - -
CFML 321 Loans 5.25 - - -
CFML Home Loans 6.95 - - -
CFML Prime Loans 7.45 - - -
CFML Standard Loans 8.25 - - -
China Construction Bank - 7.09 6.75 6.49
China Construction Bank Special - - - -
Co-operative Bank - First Home Special - ▼5.09 - -
Lender Flt 1yr 2yr 3yr
Co-operative Bank - Owner Occ 6.45 ▼5.19 5.19 5.49
Co-operative Bank - Standard 6.45 ▼5.69 5.69 5.99
Credit Union Auckland 7.70 - - -
First Credit Union Special - 5.49 5.39 -
First Credit Union Standard 7.19 5.99 5.69 -
Heartland Bank - Online 6.49 ▲5.89 - -
Heartland Bank - Reverse Mortgage - - - -
Heretaunga Building Society 8.15 6.35 6.00 -
ICBC 6.95 5.29 4.99 5.39
Kainga Ora 6.89 5.29 4.99 5.35
Kainga Ora - First Home Buyer Special - - - -
Lender Flt 1yr 2yr 3yr
Kiwibank 6.75 6.09 6.09 6.39
Kiwibank - Offset 6.75 - - -
Kiwibank Special 6.75 5.19 5.19 5.59
Liberty 8.59 8.69 8.79 8.94
Nelson Building Society 7.44 5.24 5.24 -
Pepper Money Advantage 10.49 - - -
Pepper Money Easy 8.69 - - -
Pepper Money Essential 8.29 - - -
SBS Bank 6.99 6.29 6.09 6.19
SBS Bank Special - 5.39 5.29 5.35
SBS Construction lending for FHB - - - -
Lender Flt 1yr 2yr 3yr
SBS FirstHome Combo 4.44 4.39 - -
SBS FirstHome Combo - - - -
SBS Unwind reverse equity 9.39 - - -
TSB Bank 7.69 5.99 5.79 6.19
TSB Special 6.89 5.19 4.99 5.39
Unity 6.89 5.29 4.99 -
Unity First Home Buyer special - 4.69 - -
Wairarapa Building Society 7.20 5.49 5.29 -
Westpac 6.99 6.09 5.89 5.99
Westpac Choices Everyday 7.09 - - -
Westpac Offset 6.99 - - -
Lender Flt 1yr 2yr 3yr
Westpac Special - 5.49 5.29 5.39
Median 6.99 5.49 5.29 5.54

Last updated: 20 March 2025 8:52am

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