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Go Mr Common Sense

Sunday, March 16th 2008, 9:04AM 3 Comments

by Philip Macalister

One thing which has intrigued me in recent months is how government MP Clayton Cosgrove is so anti real estate agents.

He seems to take whatever opportunity he can, even when he is overseas, to get stuck into real estate agents, labeling them all "land sharks" and implying they are just rip-off merchants.

Sure there are some dodgy ones, some questionable practices and some issues around the way agents are policed, but....are they all dodgy?

Clayton's language makes great sound bites for telly and radio, but isn't warranted.

Last week, after select committee hearings on the new real estate agent legislation, he was up to his same old tricks. However, United Future leader, Peter Dunne, (who calls himself Mr Common Sense) played a card not many expected.

In a release which has probably gone unreported, he says the United Future party "will withdraw its support for the Real Estate Agents Bill...unless there are major changes to the legislation and the sponsoring minister, Clayton Cosgrove, adopts a more consultative attitude."

"It was clear from today's Morning Report interview that Mr Cosgrove is maintaining a belligerent, bully boy attitude towards the Real Estate Institute, and his claims to be consulting with the Institute are undermined by his inability even to get the name of the Institute's President right," he said.

There is no doubt that the real estate industry needs better processes to clear out the sharks and the dodgy operators, but that won't be achieved by bellowing at everyone and listening to no-one.
« Time to regulate sellers of packaged propertyBubble, bubble, toil and trouble »

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Comments from our readers

On 19 March 2008 at 12:08 pm R.F.L. Evans said:
Good comment from Peter Dunne. He is quite correct and the amazinglingy hostile and ignorant performance displayed by Mr Clayton Cosgrove has been and continues to be a source of huge embarrasement to his caucus colleagues.
I know that because one or two have told me so.They are actually very ashamed of his behaviour and cringe whenever he opens his mouth!
I supect his political future is not very bright!
On 19 March 2008 at 5:27 pm Lee Kammerer said:
100% correct. The guy (Cosgrove) is a complete idiot. His speech to the New Zealand Property Investors' Conference in Christchurch last year was the worst I have ever heard from a politician of any shade. Go Kate Wilkinson in Waimakariri!!!
On 20 March 2008 at 7:14 pm Greg Clinch said:
I couldn't agree more with Lee Kammerer in his message posted above.
I was also at the N.Z.F.I.F. conference in Chch last October and heard this dickhead too.
To start with, it is very difficult to take someone with that ludicrous 'hair-style' seriously... then he opens his trap and leaves us in no doubt that he is desperate to make his mark, however deperately.
I am an investor ( commercial property), developer (res and comm.) and also hold a real estate sales certificate so I have had plenty of exposure to real estate people - the vast majority are bloody good sorts and I'd rather spend my time with them than fuckwits like Cosgrove.
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