Making the letting process easier
A new online letting service for landlords who choose to self-manage their properties has been launched today.
Friday, May 20th 2016, 10:00AM
by Miriam Bell is intended to make tenanting a property easier and cheaper for the large group of property investors who take a DIY approach to their assets.
TenantSource director Scott Dunn said information indicated that up to 60% of Kiwi investors manage their own properties.
“Our own research has identified that 20-25% of rental properties advertised each month are done so by self-managing property investors.”
It is this group of landlords that the company hopes to work with.
Dunn said the service will take care of the whole letting process – including advertising, viewings, the application process and the tenancy agreement – for landlords.
“We don’t make recommendations on the tenants to choose. That’s the choice and responsibility of the landlord. But we can provide them with the information they need to choose.”
Not only should the service take the hassle out of the letting process, but it is likely to be more cost and time effective for those who use it.
Landlords who use the service, which is available through the “super simple” website, will only pay for the online advertising of their property, Dunn said.
“They will get this for less than half the standard price of advertising thanks to the agency’s industry discounted rates.”
But if an investor does it all themselves they’re likely to pay almost $100 for advertising, Dunn said.
“Then they’ll have to spend several weeks arranging viewing times with current tenants, conducting viewings, collecting applications and then writing a tenancy agreement which adheres to the Residential Tenancies Act.
“We think that this service will be very useful, and provide good return on investment, to time-poor landlords.”
While the TenantSource service is currently only available to investors with properties in Auckland, Dunn said they also plan to launch it in, first, Hamilton and then Tauranga and Wellington over the next few months.
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