New Watercare option for Auckland landlords
A new Watercare payment option is set to make billing and payments much easier for Auckland landlords.
Monday, May 30th 2016, 12:00PM
by Miriam Bell

Auckland landlords and property managers will now be able to pay their wastewater fixed charge upfront each year in July.
This means their monthly bill for the rest of the year will show usage charges only – and these can be passed on to tenants to pay.
Opting in to this payment method will give Watercare the authority to talk directly to tenants about their bills.
But, as they are ultimately responsible for the account, landlords and property managers will continue to receive the bill.
The new, simplified option is available due to dialogue between Watercare and the Auckland Property Investors Association (APIA).
APIA executive officer Andrew King said the change is a good outcome for all concerned and urges all eligible landlords to participate.
“Under the current system, some tenants inadvertently end up paying more than they should.
“They will benefit from clarity in knowing exactly how much they are required to pay, while landlords and property managers will benefit from a reduction in the amount of bookkeeping required of them.”
Watercare chief executive Raveen Jaduram said that around 40% of Aucklanders live in tenanted properties.
It was exciting to offer a solution where the impact of the improvement will be widespread, he said.
“Working with APIA and developing this new payment option for landlords and property managers is one of a number of customer-centric changes we are delivering.”
Auckland landlords and property managers interested in the new option will have to sign up for it by Thursday June 30.
More information on the new option, including on how to register for it, is available here.
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