Advisers invited to take part in new Fund Manager of the Year Awards
Good Returns has teamed up with Research IP and Darrin Howlin to continue funds management research and to launch a new awards programme.
Saturday, November 9th 2019, 6:30AM

Howlin previously provided the research which underpinned FundSource, until that business was put on the market and subsequently sold to an Australian outfit.
The partnership ensures advisers and investors have access to good quality research.
Good Returns publisher Philip Macalister said it was a good fit for the two businesses. "Research IP understands the New Zealand market and has been providing quality research for many years."
"This relationship means there will be continuity of good research for advisers to freely access."
Also there will be a new Good Returns Fund Manager of the Year Awards, powered by Research IP, which will recognise the top funds in New Zealand, as well as Australian funds which meet certain criteria.
"We couldn't think of a better name then Good Returns for an awards programme," Macalister said.
Also advisers, for the first time, get to have their say. (More details next week.)
Howlin says: "The first annual Good Returns/Research IP Awards will include some new categories and, in a New Zealand first, the awards will be opened to financial advisers to attend. Awards of this type have typically been the province of fund managers, but the Good Returns/Research IP Awards will emphasise the expertise of advisers in the wealth management equation, with an Advisers’ Choice award for the best fund managers in three different categories."
The awards will be presented in a ceremony on November 28 at Rydges Hotel in Auckland. Advisers wishing to come along and network with the top managers should email their interest here.
With managed funds growing to record levels in New Zealand and consumers looking more critically at avenues to build their wealth, the awards will play a crucial role by identifying the top-performing money managers, with categories such as Fund Manager of the Year, Boutique Manager of the Year and KiwiSaver of the Year.
Macalister says Research IP was the obvious partner for an awards programme which will benefit advisers, investors and retirees who need to know the best in the wealth management business.
“Research IP has a strong understanding of the New Zealand wealth management scene, and together we have deliberately taken this inclusive stance in recognition of the whole New Zealand sector. The awards reflect the positive relationships Research IP has developed over the past 12 years operating in the New Zealand market via advice groups, research houses, partnerships and now under its own brand.
Research IP is a leading provider of investment research, tools and technology which this month launched its expanded operations in New Zealand. Having previously powered the NZX FundSource Awards over the past four years, the company is experienced in undertaking the requisite research to award the very best.
Howlin said, “Good Returns’ status as a repository for financial services information makes it the ideal partner in an awards programme which will find and acknowledge the best in the business, year after year. We are pleased to have partnered with Philip and his team to launch this new, more comprehensive programme.”
On November 28, Research IP will also officially launch its research service in New Zealand under its own brand. In association with the awards, Research IP will host on its new website over 60 managed fund qualitative research reports and over 500 one-page snapshots, which form the New Zealand investment universe.
Howlin said the awards and associated offering are designed to be more accessible to everyday investors and advisers. “Research IP will have a core offering that is freely available to financial advisers and direct investors. This will enable people to have access to key information and ratings, helping them to make important investment decisions on their retirement savings or investment funds. The only requirement to access the service is an email address.”
Research IP is now supported by 12 technology and investment professionals based in Australia and Taiwan. Howlin said, “Research IP will be making some further announcements about the growing team; we have some very capable and highly respected people who have a strong understanding of the New Zealand marketplace."
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