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Trading NZPIF places

It’s a case of trading places at the NZ Property Investors’ Federation now that it’s been announced that long-serving executive officer Andrew King has taken up the role of president.

Friday, June 12th 2020, 10:50AM

by Miriam Bell

NZPIF president Andrew King

That’s because he replaces former president Sharon Cullwick who, since February, has been the NZPIF’s executive officer.

It wasn’t meant to be this way: originally King planned to retire from the NZPIF completely after six years as executive officer and a total of 23 years of service to the property industry.

In fact, his plan was to head off on a leisurely and lengthy trip around South America.

However, Covid-19 put an end to those plans for the foreseeable future and, as the NZPIF had not yet found a replacement for Cullwick, he agreed to take up the president’s reign for the next year.

King says that while the development is not what he had planned, he is excited about what it means and the work it will enable him to do.

“Over the last few years of my time as executive officer, there was so much going on on the property investor front that I didn’t get the time to do some of the work I wanted to do. Now I’ll be able to really tackle that work.”

The work in question includes projects focusing on NZPIF member benefits and boosting the sort of assistance the NZPIF offers – particularly in the area of property management.

“We want to look at how we can help our members with all that they need to do as responsible investors and landlords,” he says.

“These days there is so much regulation, so many requirements that landlords need to know and abide by. And there are serious ramifications if they get it wrong.

“It’s a risky business these days, so we want to help our members get it right to ensure they can be successful and effective landlords.”

He will also be looking at associate memberships and different pathways to membership, as well as exploring how they can match up targeted offers to different groups of investors.

“It’s going to be all about what our members need and what we can do to help them to do their best.”

This aim is given particular urgency by the spectre of the Government’s proposed tenancy law reforms which are currently hanging over the rental property sector and causing much concern among investors.

Cullwick says that King’s move into her former role is great and she is looking forward to continuing to work with him.

“I’m really pleased because it means that we can just keep moving forward on the projects that we both believe are important for our members. It also ensures consistency going forward.”

Read more: 

The new face of the NZPIF

Tags: investment landlords NZPIF property investment property management rental market tenancy reform tenants

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Last updated: 11 March 2025 8:39am

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