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nib brings back popular offer

nib has re-launched a popular campaign that covers pre-existing medical conditions after a three-year standdown period.

Monday, April 12th 2021, 6:00AM

The offer is open for three months, from April 1 to June 30, for any new customers who join via nibAPPLY and is valid under nib’s Ultimate Health and Ultimate Health Max policies.

nib head of adviser distribution, Chris Carnall says the offer has been very popular with their advisers making it easier for them to start a conversation about health insurance with their clients.

"We hold the view that health comes first given the impact poor health can have on time with your family, your ability to earn an income, and of course the associated anxiety and worry about deteriorating health."

The offer covers certain pre-existing conditions after three years which would normally have a longer or permanent exclusion.

One such condition is diabetes – if the applicant has less than 170/100 blood pressure and cholesterol levels are under nine.

It would also cover pre-existing endometriosis and hay fever, which is one of the highest excluded conditions and can lead to complications such as sinusitis and ear infections.

If an applicant has hay fever this campaign will cover potential complications should they occur after the three year standdown period.

It also covers grommet surgery.

Carnall says for some pre-existing conditions permanent exclusions will still apply if those conditions relate to most cardiovascular conditions, cancer, hip, knee or back conditions, transplant surgery, and reconstructive or reparative surgery.

"We think health should underpin all client risk management advice.

"Private health insurance is all about getting fixed faster and having a choice so that disruption to work, family and other commitments is minimised and Kiwis can get back to work and enjoy the things in life important to them."

Carnall says nib runs campaigns every quarter and provides advisers with advertising collateral that benefits their clients.

"This campaign is very popular with advisers and our decision to rerun the campaign was based on adviser feedback that it makes it easier for them and provides a real benefit to clients, particularly those who had doubts about what they can get covered for and what would normally have been excluded.

"We normally see group sales volumes uplifts for most of our campaigns, particularly for this one."

Carnall says nib effectively accept the fact it will get a lower margin in a sector of business, but one that stimulates the market.

"There's also the bonus to our Ultimate Health range that sets nib apart is the complimentary travel insurance. In some ways, it is an always-on campaign, and with the travel bubble with Australia now in place members will once again get great value from what we believe to be a key nib point of difference."

Tags: nib

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