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Five new funds for ethical investors

Mindful Money, New Zealand's top ethical investment platform, has added five new funds to its stable of investment options.

Friday, June 18th 2021, 11:41AM

by Matthew Martin

Barry Coates.

Mindful Money founder and chief executive Barry Coates says he's pleased to welcome the five new investment funds onto the platform, including three new providers - Devon Funds, Harbour Asset Management and Mint Asset Management.

The new funds also include two further investment funds from Pathfinder Asset Management.

The new funds are the Devon Sustainability Fund, Harbour Australasian Equity Fund, Mint New Zealand SRI Equity Fund, Pathfinder Ethical Growth Fund and the Pathfinder Ethical Trans-Tasman Fund.


“These funds are exciting additions to the Mindful Money platform [and] there is now a wider range of choice available to the growing numbers of investors who want their funds to do good and earn good returns,” says Coates.

Portfolio manager at Devon Funds, Victoria Harris says Devon has a strong history of incorporating responsible investing into its investment process.

"We are very pleased our sustainability fund is now available on the Mindful Money platform. The fund invests in companies that exhibit sustainable characteristics and those which demonstrate credible strategies to improve their outcomes with respect to ESG factors.

"The fund also employs an ethical screen that will prohibit investment into certain companies,” she says.

Harbour Asset Management executive director Ainsley McLaren says ethical, social and governance considerations have been core to the Harbour Australasian Equity Fund for well over 10 years.

"We’re excited to be part of the Mindful Money platform, that empowers investors to choose funds that match their ethics and values."

“Mint is delighted to have its New Zealand SRI Equity Fund on the Mindful Money platform,” Mint Asset Management chief executive Rebecca Thomas.

“We believe that investing in companies that incorporate strong Environmental, Social and Governance measures in their business is a win-win for both the investor and New Zealand Inc.

"Mint’s active investment approach in this fund gives a significantly higher weighting to ESG elements with a track record of performance that shows you can invest more ethically without losing performance in companies that are determined to make a difference.”

Pathfinder Asset Management chief executive John Berry says investing ethically means striving for positive outcomes for the planet and people, as well as generating positive financial outcomes.

"We do this because we believe our choices as an investor have real world impacts, in the same way our choices as a consumer have impact.

"We’re excited to have more Pathfinder funds added to Mindful Money and that Mindful Money continues to provide transparency for investors.”

Tags: Barry Coates Devon FM ESG ethical investments Harbour Asset Management Mindful Money Mint Asset Management Pathfinder Asset Management responsible investing

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Heretaunga Building Society 8.15 6.35 6.00 -
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Kainga Ora - First Home Buyer Special - - - -
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Kiwibank - Offset 6.75 - - -
Kiwibank Special 6.75 5.19 5.19 5.59
Liberty 8.59 8.69 8.79 8.94
Nelson Building Society 7.44 5.24 5.24 -
Pepper Money Advantage 10.49 - - -
Pepper Money Easy 8.69 - - -
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Last updated: 11 March 2025 8:39am

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