Private market PIE funds coming
One of Australia's leading private markets investment platforms, iPartners, is launching two new wholesale PIE funds in early March.
Tuesday, February 14th 2023, 10:41AM
They are the iPartners Core Income PIE and the iPartners Diversified Private Income PIE. These funds are PIE versions of existing Australian funds. The fund underlying the Diversified Private Income PIE hits its three-year anniversary in early March.
To date the fund has delivered a net of fees return of 9.5% annually (to 31 Jan 2023).
The funds give diversified exposure to a range of private market investments, predominantly private credit, asset backed lending and property debt. Each fund holds between 30-50 underlying holdings, and they both offer monthly liquidity and monthly distributions.
Both funds have a 'Commended' rating from Evergreen Ratings, which specialises in rating alternative investment strategies.
See the Good Returns diary for launch events. These will cover an introduction to private market investing (the why, what and how) and an in-depth look at the fund management process, including asset selection, risk management and liquidity management.
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