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Chubb's latest champion

Young maths prodigy takes out actuarial award.

Wednesday, November 13th 2024, 6:02PM

Tiffany Koh as the recipient of Chubb Life's annual Actuarial Scholarship.

Having a passion for maths and statistics from a young age, the complex world of actuarial science has long been on the cards for Koh. Growing up in Jakarta, Indonesia, she moved to Malaysia to attend college before landing in New Zealand a year later. She is currently completing a double-major degree in Finance and Actuarial
Science at Victoria University of Wellington, the only university in the country that offers actuarial science.

“I’ve always loved how dependable data is. As a kid I would often imagine different scenarios and then use past data to predict what would most likely happen. So becoming an actuary feels like a natural fit for me,” Koh says.

The scholarship provides Koh with three months’ hands-on experience in the Chubb Life actuarial team and a $5,000 cash prize.

Chubb Life chief actuary Michael Bartram says, “Tiffany has demonstrated an incredible passion for the actuarial field for someone of her age. She already has a strong desire to become an actuary with her extensive involvement in the Victoria Actuarial Society. We were impressed by her preparation for this scholarship on top of her study,” said Michael.

“The Chubb Life Actuarial Scholarship is one of the ways we hope to support and encourage new talent in what is a less understood and key role in the insurance industry."

"It’s great for students to have this opportunity to learn first-hand how a life insurance company works, the role actuaries play and establish the all-important connections for their future careers.”

Tags: Chubb

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