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Standard Life Private Equity Trust

Ample dry powder for new investments

19 July 2021

Standard Life Private Equity Trust (SLPET) reported a NAV total return of 14.9% in H121, on the back of a 22.9% increase in the underlying portfolio value at constant currency, partially offset by negative FX effects (in particular sterling appreciation vs euro). SLPET’s high realisation activity (including several successful IPOs and private transactions) continued in the period with £92.7m proceeds. These exits generated an average uplift to carrying value two quarters prior (to exit dates) at 63.1% and average multiple on invested capital (MOIC) at 2.6x. MORE »

Ready to deploy further capital in 2021

24 February 2021

Standard Life Private Equity Trust (SLPET) reported an 11.7% NAV TR in FY20 (ending 30 September 2020), driven by its resilient portfolio weighted towards technology, healthcare and consumer staples (c 51% of NAV at end-FY20). Over the period, the company received a healthy £140m from realisations at an average exit multiple of 3.5x (supported by the partial exit from Action). SLPET is well-placed to pursue new deals in 2021, which it expects to be skewed more towards secondaries and co-investments than in the past. MORE »

Withstanding the crisis in good shape so far

4 November 2020

Standard Life Private Equity Trust (SLPET) recently reported a rebound in its NAV upon receiving the underlying valuations from its general partners (GPs) as at end-June, which brought its 12-month NAV total return to end-September 2020 to a positive 4.0%. Following the upsizing of its credit facility to £200m and the £61.9m in distributions received (vs £78.6m of capital calls in the period), SLPET’s commitments coverage ratio was a solid 49% at end September 2020. This is not adjusted for the £15.3m expected deferred consideration and £67.1m of commitments it considers unlikely to be called. MORE »

Leveraging long-term partnerships with top GPs

8 September 2020

Standard Life Private Equity Trust (SLPET) reported a 5.8% decline in NAV total return (TR) in H120 (based on June NAV estimate), driven mainly by the COVID-19 induced market downturn in March 2020. While macro factors may trigger further declines, the quality of general partners (GPs) chosen by SLPET coupled with good portfolio diversification by region, sector and vintage are key mitigating factors. SLPET’s capacity to fund future capital calls is supported by its liquid position (£45.3m at end-July 2020) and the £100m undrawn credit facility, with an overcommitment ratio of 48.1% (close to the mid-point of the targeted 30–75%). SLPET maintains its dividend policy and the shares currently offer an LTM yield of 4.1%. MORE »

Maintaining its track record

28 January 2020

Standard Life Private Equity Trust (SLPET) closed the year ending 30 September 2019 (FY19) with an above average volume of new commitments, with 11 new primary and secondary investments along with its first direct co-investment. Meanwhile, its distribution income (£138.1m) remained above its total drawdowns (£81.6m). SLPET recorded a 10.5% NAV total return in FY19, broadly in line with its performance since inception (10.2% pa), while being clearly ahead of the FTSE All-Share Index (2.7%). Subsequent sterling appreciation resulted in a NAV decline, with a c 5.4% one-year NAV TR as at end-December 2019. MORE »

Broader capability expands the opportunity set

14 March 2019

Standard Life Private Equity Trust (SLPET) has broadened its opportunity set through the recent revision to its investment objective and policy, allowing it to make direct co-investments alongside private equity managers. While offering potential for improved returns, co-investments will only be introduced to the portfolio gradually and SLPET remains focused on maintaining a concentrated exposure to ‘best in class’ primary private equity fund opportunities, investing mainly in funds with a European focus. SLPET’s NAV total return has outperformed the LPX Europe index NAV return over one, three, five and 10 years. The trust pays dividends quarterly and its 3.7% prospective yield is the second highest among the five dividend-paying funds in its private equity fund of funds peer group. MORE »

Broader capability expands the opportunity set

13 March 2019

Standard Life Private Equity Trust (SLPET) has broadened its opportunity set through the recent revision to its investment objective and policy, allowing it to make direct co-investments alongside private equity managers. While offering potential for improved returns, co-investments will only be introduced to the portfolio gradually and SLPET remains focused on maintaining a concentrated exposure to ‘best in class’ primary private equity fund opportunities, investing mainly in funds with a European focus. SLPET’s NAV total return has outperformed the LPX Europe index NAV return over one, three, five and 10 years. The trust pays dividends quarterly and its 3.7% prospective yield is the second highest among the five dividend-paying funds in its private equity fund of funds peer group. MORE »

Measured addition of domestic US fund exposure

13 July 2018

Standard Life Private Equity Trust (SLPET) continues to follow a long-term, conviction approach to selecting primarily European private equity buyout funds, managing its exposure through the primary and secondary fund markets. Having broadened its investment policy in 2017, SLPET added exposure to a domestic US manager by acquiring a secondary position in Onex Partners IV in H118, and recently made a new primary commitment to MSouth Equity Partners IV, with the manager undertaking due diligence on a number of other US funds. SLPET has achieved above-average NAV returns among its fund of fund peers over one, three and five years, and has also outperformed UK and European stock market indices over these periods. SLPET has a competitive ongoing charge versus peers and its 3.8% yield ranks at the top of the peer group. MORE »

Moving to quarterly dividends with improved yield

7 February 2018

Standard Life Private Equity Trust (SLPET) takes a long-term, conviction approach to fund selection, evidenced by its new primary commitments in FY17 being made to private equity managers where there was a strong existing relationship. NAV total returns have been ahead of peers over three and five years, and share price returns have noticeably outpaced NAV returns over one year. The share price discount to NAV has narrowed markedly from c 36% in early 2016 to c 14% currently, arguably due in part to the strength of SLPET’s underlying performance, as well as its revised dividend policy, with improved and more frequent payouts scheduled. The manager sees portfolio companies’ earnings growth continuing to drive value creation, with the maturity profile of SLPET’s portfolio suggesting further near-term upside potential from prospective realisations. MORE »

Focused on a broader opportunity set

2 May 2017

Standard Life Private Equity Trust (SLPE) aims to achieve long-term total returns via investing in a focused, primarily European portfolio of leading private equity buyout funds. The investment policy was revised in January 2017, removing size and geographic restrictions, to enlarge the investment opportunity set without diluting the trust’s strategy and focus. New fee arrangements have been agreed, with a single annual management fee of 0.95% of NAV and no incentive fee. The board has also stated its intention to raise the FY17 dividend to 12.0p, equating to a 3.8% yield, and grow it at least in line with inflation. Returns have been notably strong over one year. MORE »

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Liberty 8.59 8.69 8.79 8.94
Nelson Building Society 7.44 5.24 5.24 -
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SBS FirstHome Combo 4.44 4.39 - -
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TSB Bank 7.69 5.99 5.79 6.19
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Last updated: 27 March 2025 10:01am

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