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ASSET - Inflated Upfronts

Upfront insurance commissions have reached dizzily high levels over the last years with some firms pumping rates up harder than others. In the cover story of ASSET this month, editor David Chaplin reports on a market that could be about to blow its top

Thursday, September 27th 2007, 6:00AM
Also in this month's issue:

There are several features in ASSET Magazine this month, including the ability for advisers to earn CPD credits. To do this all you have to do is read several selected articles and then answer a set of questions online at

Other features this month include:

  • Insurance: Loaded arguments - insurers miss the point by aiming at advisers.
    Tony Vidler, Moneta Financial Group principal and chair of the IFA insurance college, mounts a passionate defence for the much-maligned risk adviser
  • KiwiSaver: Just add risk and it might work
    A high-powered conference, organised by Australian-based group Terrapin, attracted close to 200 delegates, from New Zealand and Australian institutional funds management world to discuss leading-edge asset allocation issues. David Chaplin listened in on a KiwiSaver session.
Practice Management
ASSET has a strong practice management section with articles designed to help advisers grow their businesses.

This month we have: Securities Commission to extend its ambit. Each year Crown entities set out their plans for the next three years in a Statement of Intent (SOI) which is tabled in Parliament. In this article the Securities Commission general counsel, Liam Mason, outlines the regulator's current SOI.

Software group plants flag in risk territory Financial planning software provider OMNImax is pitching a new system to risk advisers and the feedback has been surprising, even to the group's client manager, Shane Goldfinch.

ASSET brings you some great columnists each month. PAA chief executive always has interesting ideas for advisers, economist Donal Curtin puts the mundane economic matters into words everyone understands, Jenny Ruth looks at the sharemarket through the eyes of fund managers and Russell Hutchinson provides an insight into issues impacting on advisers' businesses.

  • Professional Adviser's Association: Female finance and the secrets of selling to women
    PAA chief, Dr Dave McMillan, presents an abridged version of an address given to the MDRT in 2006 by Susan W Sweetser (MBA), vice president specialised markets division MassMutual Financial Group, USA.
  • Hutchinson: The unknown costs of KiwiSaver
    The disparity in KiwiSaver scheme fees is astounding but Russell Hutchinson has found a logical reason: providers are just having a guess at their costs
  • Markets:Markets goes for a ride; Sky doesn't fall in; rubber to bounce back
    It's been a month of market mood swings for managers but for some, as Jenny Ruth reports, the retail therapy continues.
  • Economy: How old-fashioned financial lubrication could save the world
    Donal Curtin explains how the central banks have learned from past collapses and why, so far, their actions have been successful.

Our book review this month is The 5 Minute MBA by Wayne Brown.
Get invaluable tips from the nation's number one corporate doctor - Wayne Brown is the man called in when things go wrong in large corporates or institutions.

ASSET contains the latest fund performance data from FundSource and this month we have tweaked the performance numbers for the alternative assets - these are many of the popular funds which aren't included in the research house's tables. The new look data allows better comparison of products.

To get your own copy of ASSET, either call Amy on 0800-345675, or you can subscribe online here.
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