ASSET - Advisers bite into PIEs
Never before have tax changes been so appetising to New Zealand's financial services industry. In the cover story of ASSET this month, editor David Chaplin reports on why PIEs are not on everyone's menu.
Wednesday, October 31st 2007, 3:56PM
Also in this month's issue:There are several features in ASSET Magazine this month, including the ability for advisers to earn CPD credits. To do this all you have to do is read several selected articles and then answer a set of questions online at
Other features this month include:
Insurance: Dispatches from the disclosure frontline.
A joint industry party is waging a rearguard action to prevent the proposed disclosure of insurance commissions, David Chaplin reports from the battlefront. KiwiSaver: Site unseen: how to track a KiwiSaver provider
KiwiSaver providers are beginning to receive the first dribbles of money into their accounts but where will the cash eventually end up? We trawl the KiwiSaver websites in search of an answer.
ASSET has a strong practice management section with articles designed to help advisers grow their businesses.
This month we have:
The learning curve. Personal financial planning is an internationally recognised service which requires internationally accepted standards, according to Adviserlink's Leonie Wallwork.
The four Ps: how personality type shapes client communication Understanding others is possibly the most difficult task in life and business. Allison Mooney explains to that a few simple tools can unlock the secrets of perplexing personalities
ASSET brings you some great columnists each month. PAA chief executive always has interesting ideas for advisers, economist Donal Curtin puts the mundane economic matters into words everyone understands, Jenny Ruth looks at the sharemarket through the eyes of fund managers and Russell Hutchinson provides an insight into issues impacting on advisers' businesses.
- Professional Adviser's Association: Is the life insuarance industry in terminal decline>
PAA chief, Dr Dave McMillan, ponders whether we are destined to have our photos paraded to coming generations in a quaint reflection on how things used to be. Is generation X likely to be the last generation to benefit from face-to-face advice? -
Hutchinson: Advisers rock: why the good times are about to roll
Forget the dark headlines, the future is looking bright for financial advisers, so says a very upbeat Russell Hutchinson -
Markets:Tyndall blows in to megawatt market; St Laurence slice too big, ING warns
With just two more shopping months left to Christmas Jenny Ruth keeps her eyes on what NZ's fund managers are buying before the silly season arrives. -
Economy: Food fights: the hard facts about soft commodities
Donal Curtin cats a sceptical eye over the latest economic concept - a prediction that agricultural commodities are on the up and up (and up).
Our book review this month is Hit the Road Running by Martz Witty.
This is a great read for any business owner and/or operator looking for more customers. Written in an easy-to-read style that is both business-like and fun.
ASSET contains the latest fund performance data from FundSource and this month we have tweaked the performance numbers for the alternative assets - these are many of the popular funds which aren't included in the research house's tables. The new look data allows better comparison of products.
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