Changing channels
A former Tower adviser and member of Newpark is establishing a new group – The Advisor Channel – to take on the present encumbents.
Friday, June 3rd 2011, 12:35PM
by Benn Bathgate
Mehernosh Kotwal says the group is guided by one question, "What would I want from a group that's earning 20, 30% off me, what do I want them to do for me?"
Using that question he has launched the new group with the aim of taking on rivals such as Newpark and TNP head on.
"I would like to make us the biggest group in New Zealand. That is what my goal is," he said.
Kotwal believes his new group will be enticing for advisers as he aims to offer more, and charge less than the other groups.
"The difference compared to other groups is all they do is charge advisers for everything. I'm putting the money back with the brokers, reinvesting it back with them."
"For example, I give members free application processing."
As well as free application processing, The Advisor Channel offers member advisers pre-qualified leads (once the adviser writes $10,000 worth of business), telephone answering services, Business Development Credits, a free Professional Compliance Audit conducted by Barry Read (once $30,000 worth of business has been written), marketing programmes to generate leads and access to a website with personalised pages to promote each member.
Kotwal is critical of some of the other groups, especially around charging for leads.
"Why does a broker need to pay me for leads because if he or she writes business I'm earning anyway."
He says a point of differentiation is that The Advisor Channel won't be charging fees for application processing and providing phone answering services.
"What we're saying is work with us and we'll be giving something back to you."
Kotwal says he may limit the number of advisers who can join the group to ensure that it can continually give good service.
Benn Bathgate is a business reporter for ASSET and Good Returns, email story ideas to
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Comments from our readers
I have belonged to another dealer group in NZ who has given me an immense amount of value back. They have helped me build my business and value by way of education, mentoring and business development. To me and I suspect many advisers in the market, value is not about lead generation and free phone answering.
I am building a professional financial services practice and I want support from my Dealer Group in the areas of how to grow and build a better business, how to build value in my business, how to run a better compliant business.
I am getting exactly that from my Dealer Group.
Yes some and I repeat, some of their services cost me, but if I wasn't getting the value for those services I wouldn't be paying for them. I have experienced growth in my business of just over 60% in the last two years,I have brought 8 new advisers into the industry and my practice and I put that down to two things, 1: the services provided to me and my team by my Dealer Group, and 2: my commitment to implement the plans and coaching they have given me.
Do I see value in my Dealer Group, absolutely, thanks TNP, you guys are awesome.
Mehernosh, I accept the fact that my dealer group makes a margin on the business I produce, but I also realise that my growth of 60% comes from the help that the group have given me by giving me access to people like Dr Dave McMillan, Tina Jarvis, Jeff Page and Rick Garnham. This team is the best in the market, they deserve to get their margin.
where is the website and when do you plan on starting it Meh?
We have already started
There is no doubt that competition in any market place breeds innovation etc... all good. Though I doubt you will be able to compete with adviser groups like Newpark that are well financed and 500+ advisers strong.
In fact I was surprised that you suggest groups like NEWPARK dont offer much for advisers. What a load of rubbish!
As far as I can see, nothing costs with Newpark. In fact everything provided BY Newpark is free. And if a service or product is supplied by a third party, then Newpark is consistently able to give advisers a decent discount, or even physically subsidise them.
Newpark provides free weekly and fortnightly training and study groups to help brokers who wish to attend.
Top commissions are paid by all providers and advisers are paid their full commission.
Development days are free with Newpark(including the lunches and other food etc). Plus there is excellent support if you need help or ask for support.
There is even a superb lead generation program that provides well qualified leads for advisors who want them.
Newpark advisors obviously pay the lead generation company for the leads they want and can specify the criteria and areas they want the leads in. Obviously brokers who want these leads can buy them at a very reasonable price of $45 +gst. But Newpark puts no margin on them and has even employed a full time staff member purely to administer these leads. So the lead program is costing Newpark a lot of money, in a effort to help US as Newpark advisors. I buy what I need, as do others. This is fantastic as a good source of leads is the toughest challenge that most brokers face. And I must say they have been getting better and better qualified too. Advisers with Newpark can also receive free medical cover
Unlike all other dealer groups including TNP (even yours Mehernosh), Newpark does not even charge for their conference. The only conference expenses brokers pay for are our own accommodation. And based on the last couple I went to there were some very expensive keynote speakers and I suspect the venues were costly for Newpark. Great conferences actually.
As a dealer group they have negotiated cheaper services for you for CRMs like Xplan and Kenny and others, Plus discounted adviser tools like Strategy or RMS In Control, to name but a few. There is bloody good (and significantly cheaper) Professional Indemnity cover and they even have it sorted so we life brokers can wrap up our clients with Newpark Fire & general, Investment advice (for Non AFAs), Newpark Mortgage Broking etc etc. So as an advisor you can wrap up your client with a full offering and protect your client base, yet you can focus on the life side and have Newparks sort thos other areas for you AND pay you a commission on them.
Bloody great offering. So you certainly cant say they do nothing for brokers.
Mehernos, your reason for leaving is your own... and just because you cant see value in what others offer is no reason to imply they are no good.
If you think you can do better then all power to you. But it will be a very hard trail to follow
They provide me with support groups of other advisers in my area (free), they supply me with Health Insurance (Free). They offer new adviser training for any new advisers I bring on (free). They offer a mentor programme if I need it with other successful advisers in the group (free).
They discounted all the regulation costs that we all went through last year and they may it easy for us to follow with an education pathway (that was taken up by other groups it was so successful).
They provide me with a referral relationship that I can earn money from for Domestic Fire and General, Commercial Fire and General, Mortgages and investments. These relationships then ring fence my clients so I don’t worry that I will lose my risk business. Not only free to use but I earn a referral fee from this so they are helping me make money!
They even offer me the opportunity to purchase pre qualified leads at cost! If I don’t want them I don’t have to have them.
So, I’m trying to work out how my membership of the Newpark Group can be seen as anything other than a positive thing for me.
Thanks Newpark for all that you have helped me with, cheers.
The Advisor Channel has nothing to do with any particular group or groups and is promoting its own offering.
My suspicion is that the heads of each of these groups - Jeff Page, Darren Gannon, Bronwyn Shanks, etc, etc - are simply asking their supportive advisers to extoll the virtues of their respective group.
The heads are probably even drafting the comments for their pet advisers to put on the blog.
Come on guys - get real.
Good on you Mehernosh - hope it goes well for you, but I suspect you've missed the boat.
Hopefully you disclose all this to clients.
There is one thing that was missed when people who are/were connected to Newpark when the compliance/education pathway thing was happening earlier last year, when they were pushing for all members to be full AFA qualified (remember that boys??). And virtually everyone signed a contract with Newpark that on completion they had to stay with the group for another year afterwards or pay back the difference of discount of the education pathway(also if you didn't complete it you had to pay too). who wins here boys! Then holy cow the goal posts change , cock up with first exams, done back to front(joke).Then goal (you got it) change again instead of pushing for full AFA it becomes apparent that brokers do not have to do this and can hang in there if they wish to have RFA STATUS!!Guess what!! Newpark backs off and lets you know that if you wish to be AFA you can do it of your own back(and good on the brokers who did/are doing this).Then work groups are set up and the odd speaker and a bit of scaremongering, and you think WTF is going on here. Lets be honest in the early stages Darren may have got it wrong! And the contract that people signed was a bit of a no no eh lads(CLICKETY CLICK). Initial cost they had to pay a $1000 at the beginning for this stuff then they find out all they had to fork out was for disputes resolution scheme and FSP register, does tend to leave a bit of a bad taste in the mouths who have been misled by those who they thought they knew what they were doing at the time.No offer of a refund either, now that would have been a good gesture to admit a mistake!No wonder some people get a bit disgruntled and want to move ofF and give it a go, so good on this fellow...he has a hard road to hoe...but the lad has nuts. Again good luck. Remember though if you get it right, people do use people for their gain and and that is the lesson.
Merhernosh has made a bold assertion that he will be "offering more and charging less." Having an intimate understanding of the financial workings of various dealer group models I wish him much luck with his very ambitious endeavours! Comments in the market suggest he has not yet secured terms with a number of providers so it seems there is some way to go before The Advisor Channel will warrant any further interest...
They were just saying, I’m sure, that a lot of the money received by these groups goes back to the members via services. They don’t come free, someone has to pay for them.
And comrade, do you really think that the over ride increases the cost of the insurance? So would that mean that my clients should get a cheaper premium because I’m not in a group? Wake up.
Also Craig, if it was that easy to start up a dealer group then why don’t you do it? Let’s see how Mehernosh is going in a few months. Now that would be a good follow up article.
They seem to be more determined in seeing us fail rather than growing their own business by ridiculing and being negative about us and should concentrate on upping their own game.
Trying to check out with providers on what my contract with them is and putting it up to undermine us? What’s next? Coming to my office and going through my garbage?
That is sad and pathetic behaviour. It seems like some groups have “hijacked” the editorial to promote their own group. There is no perfect group and everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages for the advisor. It is very easy for The Advisor Channel to start writing negative about other groups (and trust me we can write heaps); however we are not here for that.
We are not insecure about our offering as a group and as a result we do not need to point out anything negative about any one or any group. We leave it to the advisor’s judgment on what is best suited for their business growth and trust me most advisors know.
Also the comments by “Not Surprised” are very clear that this person is a group head and is more concerned about my business than his own. We may succeed as a group or we may not. No one can predict the future, but we do know and have now realised how unstable a lot of groups are and the level to which they are willing to go to.
This is a wonderful industry and already established groups should allow and support new blood in terms of competition with different offerings to come into the industry rather than trying to bully and malign them.
Competition is good for the growth of any industry and helps keep a check on what is fair to the advisor and what is not.
After reading all these comments it has strengthened our resolve even more that we will succeed and we haven’t missed the boat.
I would also like to take this opportunity to personally thank those advisors who, in spite of being members of other groups (and continue to be part of them) for the support they have shown. This displays how professional these advisors are and the group they belong to.
I personally LOVE Craig’s idea of a streamlined version of a dealer group. Stick to aggregation of commissions and flag the rest of the value add proposition. Many of us AFA’s don’t want/need development days, compliance assistance, conferences, discounted CRM tools and all the other benefits that most dealer groups offer.
Don’t get me wrong, dealer groups are fantastic for the industry and of great assistance to many/most advisers. Upon my recent shopping around, I found there offerings to be quite generic. (Despite how they package their fee/override structure and tell you how different they are!).
As a broker I have 6 BDM’s calling on me offering training, compliance guidance, CRM assistance, conference opportunities, development days etc etc
So if someone was to set up a streamlined dealer group, focusing on the core business of commission aggregation, without the duplication of value adds, surely their cost structure and offering would be attractive to some of us! (Not for everyone – but surely a big enough niche to be profitable!)
Do it inspite of all the brickbats that are hurled your way.It's always good to see someone stand up and attempt to bring in a point of difference.It won't be easy....but what is easy these days? You have shown spirit.
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By processing applications, answering phones, supplying leads it sound more like a managing agency to me. So if I don’t need leads, don’t need an answer service, don’t need application processing and I am already compliant this group will give me what? Nothing?
Sounds like this group is targeting small advisers who need a whole lot of help just to survive because they can’t afford to buy leads, pay for someone to answer their phone (why not themselves), post in a prop and follow it up. That sounds like the cream of the crop. I’m not sure the insurance companies will be welcoming this group with open arms.
Not all providers support groups like this so if the free leads go to non supporting company where are you going to get the income to survive.
It’s not easy running a dealer group, why do you think there have been mergers with some of the smaller ones?
Good luck to anyone who joins up with this group because I think you will need it.