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FMA licensing workshops popular with Fidelity Life advisers

A series of online licensing support workshops jointly hosted by Fidelity Life and the Financial Markets Authority have attracted almost 200 adviser registrations.

Friday, September 17th 2021, 8:00AM

by Matthew Martin

Trecia Brown.

The workshops are designed to provide advisers holding transitional licences with support and guidance to help them prepare for their Class 1 or Class 2 full FAP licence.

Fidelity Life head of professional development Trecia Brown says the majority of attendees say they will soon apply for a full FAP licence and say the workshops have demystified the licensing process and encourages advisers to get started now.

“The good news for advisers is the full licensing process is not as daunting as it might first appear.

"The workshops provide advisers with easy access to the combined knowledge of the FMA and Fidelity Life’s professional development team, allowing them to get a head start.”

The workshops are being hosted online via Microsoft Teams due to lockdown restrictions and Fidelity Life adviser feedback has been positive, for example;

"Good clean info, thanks Trecia, Michaela and the FMA crew."

"Thanks FMA team as you have taken all the scare mongering out of the noise we have been hearing."

Brown says in addition to ongoing licensing and other regulation support Fidelity Life continues to invest in its market-leading "Building Better Businesses" programme.

“Designed to help advisers transition to the new financial advice regime, deliver great customer outcomes and secure their ongoing business success, it now comprises 25 modules – with more to come,” she says.

FMA director of market engagement John Botica says the workshops have received positive feedback and "elicited informed questions".

“We’re delighted to join Fidelity Life on these workshops...we see webinars as an effective way of continuing to support advisers on the full licensing journey, especially during lockdown."

Botica says the FMA has also worked closely with Financial Advice New Zealand and the Financial Services Council on similar events in the past and welcomes requests from other groups.

"We have begun hosting our own online forums for financial advice providers to help them transition towards their full licence."

Botica says more sessions are planned throughout October, from Whangarei in the north to Timaru in the south (see below) and the FMA is also planning a competency webinar for later in the year.

"This work is a continuation of our efforts to help the industry transition to the new regime.

"Leading up to its implementation, we engaged with thousands of advisers throughout the country via webinars and in-person meetings.

"We continue to answer questions directly from advisers and encourage anyone who has questions to contact us,” Botica says.

FMA licensing info events schedule:

October 13 - Taupō
October 14 - Tauranga
October 15 - Rotorua
October 19 - Whangarei
October 20 - Gisborne
October 21 - Ashburton
October 22 - Timaru

Tags: FAP Fidelity Life FMA Insurance Advisers John Botica licensing Life insurance

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