The Greens super policy
The core Greens policy on superannuation is to get a durable multi-party accord on superannuation entrenched in legislation.
Tuesday, October 19th 1999, 12:00AM
The core Greens policy on superannuation is to get a durable multi-party accord on superannuation entrenched in legislation.Our basic values commit us to ensuring that human needs are met in ways that provides dignity, the ability to participate, and are financially and ecologically sustainable.
We have a number of ideas about the best way to ensure that we take account of future needs as well as the present, including social insurance schemes etc. These are simply suggestions at this stage.
We think the best commitment we can bring to the next Parliament is a commitment to a legislated agreement on superannuation. This will include a review process which everyone can undertsand.
Our commitment to creative ideas and finding common ground, while less glamorous than a positional statement, is the our best contribution to any debate. We are very concerned that a number of issues, such as super, ACC etc are at risk of constant strcutural change - which is very destructive of people's confidence and makes it hard for businesses to plan as well.
The following is the brief statement we provided to Grey Power on this issue:
More than promises people need certainty and an end to people’s incomes being used as a political football. The Green Party supports a multi-party accord on superannuation entrenched in legislation. We believe superannuation can be linked to performance of the economy as a whole rather than inflation.
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