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Last Article Uploaded: Monday, February 24th, 12:54PM


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Omnimax has new risk package

Omnimax Software Solutions has released a software package which it says will help risk advisers "offer greater value to their clients and to be better prepared for new legislation."

Wednesday, July 25th 2007, 5:08AM
"Risk advisers typically lack software tools to help their work with clients", Omnimax sales manager Shane Goldfinch says.

"The few tools previously available are typically tied to particular insurance products. Our customers asked us to develop a version of our successful financial planning software specific to risk advisors, with full flexibility of use by both risk advisor and insurance companies."

"Omnimax's personal Risk Management, Mortgage and Investment/Financial Planning software solution helps us meet our ongoing needs for client reporting", says Don Stewart of Stewart Financial Solutions. "We are excited about the role OMNIMax plays now and in the future to ensure that our business operates to best practice standards as well as the business being in the position to command a premium value at any time."

New legislation is due for introduction by the Minister of Commerce later this year to bring greater controls and more accountability to the financial planning industry. OMNIMax's 'absolute audit' capability will allow advisors to more easily meet these requirements. OMNIMax Life comes with a complete CRM package, and includes features such as Risk Portfolio Management, Risk & "Whole of Life" Cash-flow Planning, Reviews and reports in a variety formats and a comprehensive back-office workflow / work flow systems. It is a multi-lingual platform with English and Mandarin versions available.

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